Polycarbonate Sheet

From Grime to Shine: Industrial Floor Cleaners that Make a Difference

Clean Floors and Happy Workplace with GloFloExperience clean floors and create a happy workplace atmosphere with GloFlo’s exceptional cleaning agents.

Our extensive range of high-quality cleaning products is designed to tackle any cleaning challenge you may encounter. From stubborn stains to hard-to-reach corners, GloFlo has the perfect solution. We offer a diverse selection of cleaning agents, and our dedicated team also provides valuable cleaning advice and guidance.

We take pride in sharing our expertise, ensuring you understand the most effective methods for applying our agents to achieve optimal results.GloFlo’s commitment to environmentally friendly practices means our cleaning agents are safe for both your workplace and the planet. You can trust that our products will leave your floors spotless without compromising sustainability.

Tips and Tricks for Getting Industrial Floor Cleaned

Maintaining clean industrial floors is crucial for ensuring a safe and productive work environment. However, cleaning large industrial spaces can be a challenging task. To help you achieve spotless floors, we’ve gathered some valuable tips and tricks for effective industrial floor cleaning.

  • Preparing the area:

    • Clear the floor of any obstacles or debris.
    • Block off the area to prevent foot traffic during cleaning.
  • Selecting the right cleaning agents:

    • Choose cleaning agents specifically formulated for industrial floors.
    • Consider factors such as floor type, stains, and level of dirt accumulation.
  • Using appropriate equipment:

    • Utilize industrial-grade floor scrubbers, sweepers, or pressure washers for efficient cleaning.
    • Ensure the equipment is properly maintained and adjusted for optimal performance.
  • Following proper cleaning techniques:

    • Start by sweeping or dry mopping to remove loose dirt and dust.
    • Apply the cleaning agent as directed, using suitable dilution ratios.
    • Scrub the floor thoroughly, paying attention to high-traffic areas and stubborn stains.
  • Implementing regular maintenance:

    • Establish a cleaning schedule to prevent dirt buildup.
    • Conduct routine inspections to identify any maintenance or repair needs.

By following these tips and tricks, you can achieve clean and well-maintained industrial floors, promoting a safe and productive working environment.

How Industrial Floor Cleaners Can Improve Your Business?

Industrial floor cleanliness plays a vital role in the success of any business. Clean, well-maintained floors enhance the overall aesthetics and offer several benefits that positively impact your business operations. Discover how industrial floor cleaners can improve your business in the following ways:

  • Enhanced Safety:

    • Regular cleaning removes spills, debris, and potential hazards, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries in the workplace.
    • Clean floors contribute to improved traction and prevent slips and falls, ensuring a safer environment for employees and visitors.
  •  Increased Productivity:

    • Clean, organized workspaces create a more focused and efficient atmosphere.
    • Employees can navigate easily, locate equipment, and perform tasks without interruptions, boosting productivity and workflow.
  • Enhanced Brand Image:

    • A clean and well-maintained facility reflects professionalism, attention to detail, and care for customers.
    • It leaves a positive impression on clients, visitors, and potential partners, enhancing your brand image and reputation.
  • Extended Floor Lifespan:

    • Regular cleaning and maintenance help prevent dirt, dust, and contaminants from accumulating and causing damage to the flooring materials.
    • By extending the lifespan of your floors, you save on costly repairs or replacements, contributing to long-term cost savings.
  • Healthier Environment:

    • Clean floors minimize dust, allergens, and pollutants, improving indoor air quality. This promotes a healthier work environment, reduces sick leave, and enhances employee well-being.

Investing in professional industrial floor cleaners can significantly improve your business by providing a clean, safe, and productive workspace.

The Advantages of Investing in Industrial Floor Cleaner Liquid by GloFlo

Investing in GloFlo’s industrial floor cleaner liquid offers a range of advantages for your business. Their specialized formulas provide superior cleaning performance, effectively removing tough stains and grime. The concentrated nature of the liquid ensures cost-effectiveness, as it lasts longer and reduces the need for frequent purchases. 

By using GloFlo’s floor cleaner liquid, you can save time on cleaning tasks, allowing your employees to focus on core responsibilities and increasing overall productivity. Additionally, GloFlo offers eco-friendly options, prioritizing sustainability and minimizing environmental impact. Their expert guidance ensures proper application and optimal results, helping you maintain clean and well-maintained industrial floors.


  • How can I deep clean my floors?

Thoroughly mop with a suitable cleaner and scrubbing technique.

  • Which floor cleaner liquid in Pakistan is the best?

GloFlo brings you the best floor cleaner liquid in Pakistan. 


GloFlo’s industrial floor cleaning solutions, you can achieve clean floors, creating a happy and productive workplace. Experience the transformative power of GloFlo and elevate your business today. Contact us for a consultation and unleash the potential of clean floors!

Polycarbonate Sheet

Eco-Friendly Greenhouse Solutions: The Role of Greenhouse Polycarbonate Sheets in Sustainable Agriculture


In recent years, greenhouses have emerged as a solution to meet the increasing demand for food. One of the main benefits of greenhouses is that you can grow anything, anywhere, anytime. They extend the growing season by allowing you to create the climate conditions needed for your plant. With greenhouses, even seasonal plants are available all year round.

Did you also know greenhouses produce 6 to 10 times greater yields than crops grown on open fields? Ever wondered why? It is because they also protect crops from harsh weather conditions, pests, and rodents like rabbits that can damage crops outdoors.

However, not all greenhouses are considered sustainable. Traditional greenhouse materials, such as glass, are not sustainable and renewable.

Sustainable agriculture seeks to maximize food production while preserving the environment, and a good way of promoting this is by using eco-friendly greenhouse solutions such as polycarbonate sheets. Let’s look at its advantages.


Advantages of Polycarbonate Sheets for Greenhouses

Here are the benefits of polycarbonate sheets for your greenhouse.

  • Durability and Long-Lasting: Polycarbonate is 250 times stronger than glass. It can withstand environmental changes, harsh weather conditions, and even accidents while tending the plants. It also remains strong in snow or rain.
  • Energy Efficiency and Insulation: Isn’t the main rationale for having a greenhouse to keep plants warm and grow faster? Polycarbonate is a strong insulator and can produce the ideal environment plants need to grow.
  • Light Transmission and Diffusion: Polycarbonate has 88% light transmission, and it diffuses sunlight throughout the greenhouse. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, every plant gets the warmth it needs.
  • Resistance to Extreme Weather Conditions: Polycarbonate cannot be easily damaged by weather elements such as wind. Rain or floods also can’t compete with polycarbonate greenhouses. There is no leaking or shattering.
  • Ease of Installation and Maintenance: Polycarbonate greenhouses are quite easy to install. Its flexibility makes installation easier. If you are a DIYer, you can mount it yourself in days, depending on how fast you are. And you don’t need to have it cleaned regularly. Annual cleaning will suffice.

Environmental Benefits of Using Greenhouse Polycarbonate Sheets

Below are some of the environmental benefits of using greenhouse polycarbonate sheets.

  • Reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint
  • Sustainable production and recycling potential
  • Contribution to overall agricultural sustainability
  • Enhanced plant growth and crop yield

Comparing Greenhouse Polycarbonate Sheets to Other Greenhouse Materials

Below we’ll compare the key features of polycarbonate greenhouses with glass and plastic film to help you make an informed decision.


  • Energy Efficiency: Polycarbonate has better-insulating properties than glass and will not consume as much energy as glass would.
  • Durability and Maintenance: Glass requires regular cleaning, unlike polycarbonate. You may also need a shading system for glass greenhouses to prevent overheating since it lets in direct light. It is also resistant to scratches, so you don’t have to replace it after a minor accident.
  • Environmental Impact: Unlike glass, polycarbonate can be recycled. Recycled materials can be used in producing new ones, which reduces their environmental impact. The same cannot be said about glass. Glass production also involves the emission of harmful substances into the environment.

Plastic Film

  • Energy Efficiency: As explained earlier, polycarbonate is a better insulator. Plastic, however, has lower thermal insulation properties.
  • Durability and Maintenance: Plastics degrade quickly. It can easily fade or completely fall apart. Polycarbonates can resist temperatures up to 120 degrees Celsius, while plastics cannot go more than 100 degree Celsius.
  • Environmental Impact: Plastic is a polluting material that can release harmful chemicals into the environment and hinder food production capabilities.

Choosing the Right Greenhouse Polycarbonate Sheets for Your Needs

Polycarbonate panels have many properties that make them ideal for greenhouses. At Canada Plastics and Belting Inc., we carry the best greenhouse polycarbonate sheets. Partnering with a reputable distributor like us is paramount to enjoying all the benefits discussed in this article. Don’t just read it, experience it!

Consult with the Leading Greenhouse Sheets Distributors

If you are looking for a sustainable way to produce food, an eco-friendly greenhouse solution, such as polycarbonate greenhouses, is the way to go. Polycarbonate sheets have many advantages: they are durable, energy-efficient, diffuse light uniformly in your greenhouse, and require little to no maintenance.

At Canada Plastics & Belting Inc., we are committed to sustainable agricultural practices. We carry a wide variety of polycarbonate greenhouse sheets. Contact us today to learn more!

Related Product:

Polycarbonate Sheet

7 Key Advantages of Polycarbonate Glazing: Why It Is a Smarter Choice than Glass

Glass is no longer the king when it comes to glazing. Glass is an expensive material with many limitations; it is heavy, brittle, has less impact resistance when compared to other materials, breaks easily under impact, and is not suitable for earthquake-prone areas.

As glass is losing its place in glazing, another material has risen to take its place and the material is polycarbonate!

Unlike glass, polycarbonate is impact resistant, it outperforms glass when it comes to insulation by up to 20%, has a high impact and heat resistance, and above all, it is lightweight, making it very easy to work with.

Before you consider glass for your next glazing project, consider the cost, lifespan, and performance of glass and compare it with polycarbonate then you have your answer.

Because we are committed to ensuring you make the right choice, we have put together this article for you to see the amazing benefits of polycarbonate and why it is now the go-to material for glazing among architects and builders today.

What Are Polycarbonate Glazing Solutions?

Polycarbonate glazing solutions mean using materials made from polycarbonate instead of glass. Polycarbonate is a better glazing solution than glass and other materials, and it is now the go-to alternative for glazing due to its unique properties.

Firstly, polycarbonate is 250 times stronger than that of glass and has a high shatter resistance. Polycarbonate can also provide 100% protection from harmful UV radiation.

When it comes to transmittance, polycarbonate is unmatched. It can transmit up to 90% of light, just like glass, making it suitable for applications where transparency and maximum light transmission are required, such as in greenhouse roofing.

Another unique property of polycarbonate is its lightweight. Polycarbonate is six times lighter than glass. This allows for versatility and makes the installation process easier and faster.

Benefits of Installing Polycarbonate Glazing

Here are seven reasons why polycarbonate sheets are the best choice for glazing over the glass and other materials today.

Feels Like Regular Glass

Polycarbonate contains carbonate groups, so many people expect it to feel like plastic. But instead, it is designed to have the appearance and texture of traditional window glass because the security glazing made from it is manufactured to look and feel as close to the glass as possible.

Polycarbonate security glazing can also be treated with specialized coatings, such as abrasion- and UV-resistant coatings, to further improve its performance and lifespan.

Longevity Compared to Glass

This is one reason why polycarbonate sends glass to the back seat. Polycarbonate has an incredible strength that is 250 times stronger than glass. It is also shatter and scratch-resistant, which makes it ideal for glazing.

Unlike the popular misconception that polycarbonate turns yellow over time, high-quality polycarbonate does not become yellow because anti-yellowing agents and UV protection are added to it while manufacturing because the primary cause of yellowing is UV rays.


Generally, polycarbonate is less expensive than glass, costing three to four times less. Polycarbonate’s lightweight also makes its transportation costs less than that of glass. Glass, on the other hand, is six times heavier than polycarbonate, which further increases its overall cost.

Light Weight

As discussed above, polycarbonate is six times lighter than standard glass, making it easier to work with. It can easily be cut using a standard circular saw onsite eliminating any potential sizing errors that can lead to costly replacements, which is possible with glass because it cannot be cut onsite and requires a specialty saw.

It is also an excellent way to reduce the weight of a building without sacrificing strength or durability.

The lightweight nature of polycarbonate allows for greater design flexibility. It can be easily cut and shaped to fit the specific needs of a project and can be used for curved or shaped surfaces that may not be possible with glass.


Polycarbonate is virtually unbreakable because it has a high impact resistance compared to glass and other materials. It is a resilient material that absorbs energy without breaking or cracking and protects against forced entry and break-ins.

Polycarbonate can withstand even the most persistent attacks. It does not break when hit with hand tools, unlike glass, which will break into pieces if hit with common burglary tools like a hammer or pry bars.

Polycarbonate is an excellent way to enhance your building’s security and protect it from storm damage, vandalism, and even burglars.

Can Provide Protection from Ballistic Threats

Polycarbonate can protect against ballistic threats depending on the thickness of the polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate glazing can protect against low-velocity ballistic threats, such as those caused by handguns or shotguns—note, however, that polycarbonate is only bullet resistant, not bulletproof.

Allows More Light

Polycarbonate is a transparent material. This makes it possible for it to allow more light to pass through than glass. It is also an excellent choice for applications where natural light is important, such as greenhouses where even distribution of light is necessary for plant growth.

How to Maintain Polycarbonate Glazing Sheets

It is important to know how to maintain your polycarbonate glazing sheet to extend its lifespan. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Rinse the polycarbonate sheet with lukewarm water
  • Soak dried on debris and rinse away to prevent scratching the panel
  • Only use mild soap on your polycarbonate sheet
  • Use a soft sponge or cloth; avoid squeegees or brush
  • Use a lot of water and change frequently to prevent residue on the panel
  • Do not clean in the hot sun or when it is raining
  • Never use highly alkaline cleaners

Contact a Polycarbonate Sheet Supplier in Toronto

Do you have an upcoming glazing project? Polycarbonate glazing sheets will never fail you. They are lightweight, have a high impact resistance, are virtually unbreakable, and do all that glass does better with only half its price. As polycarbonate sheet is your go-to material for your glazing needs, Canada Plastics and Belting, Inc. is the go-to place to get high-quality polycarbonate sheets.

Whether you want to upgrade your home’s windows or install new glazing in a commercial or industrial setting, we have all you need. Contact us today!

Polycarbonate Sheet

Why Use Polycarbonate for Security and Safety Applications?

Polycarbonate Corrugated Panels in Canada
Polycarbonate sheets are clear sheets that are made with thermoplastic polymers that contain plastic material and are combined with carbonate groups to give rise to a strong, impact-resistant sheet. Below, we explore the benefits of using polycarbonate sheets for security and safety applications.

Features of Polycarbonate Sheets

Polycarbonate sheets have some peculiar features that make them versatile and a preferred choice in several industries. Some properties of polycarbonate sheets include:

High strength

Polycarbonate can be termed as unbreakable because of its high-strength features that can withstand temperatures as high as 1400C and temperatures as low as -200C. Polycarbonate polymers also have a density of 1.2 – 1.22g/dm3 making them very strong and impact resistant.

Refractive Index

The refractive index of polycarbonate is 1.548, and it has amazing optical features that allow it to be used in several optical devices and applications.

Resistance to Chemicals

Polycarbonate is resistant to reactions by certain chemicals like aliphatic hydrocarbons, diluted acids, and alcohols. It also shows moderate resistance to substances like grease and oil. However, polycarbonates are susceptible to attack by diluted alkalis and halogenated and aromatic hydrocarbons.


Polycarbonate can transmit about 90% of light, even as well as glass. This feature allows it to be applied in various forms.

Applications of Polycarbonate

There are countless applications of polycarbonate sheets in various industries, such as:


Polycarbonate sheets are used in the manufacture of various appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, hair dryers, food warmers, and so much more. This is because of their ability to be easily shaped, as well as their beautiful finish that makes appliances stand out.

Medical Applications

Polycarbonate sheets also have medical applications due to features like clarity, heat resistance, resistance to chemicals, and high strength. They are used in the manufacturing of medical instruments and appliances

Food Packaging

Polycarbonate can be used to make food packaging materials because it is heat and shatter resistant. It can be used for the manufacture of reusable food packages that are safe in microwaves.

Building and Construction

Polycarbonate is used as a good alternative to glass in the building and construction industry. It can be used for different types of buildings and is preferred for its impact resistance, light transmission, and its resistance to UV rays

Cars and Other Automobiles

Polycarbonate is very essential in the manufacture of cars and other automobiles, mainly for its lightweight and impact resistant properties. Also, its clarity and heat resistance make it a good choice for headlamps and lenses.

How Can Polycarbonates Improve Security and Safety?

Here are some ways in which polycarbonate sheets can improve security and safety:

Security of Property

Polycarbonate sheets can be used in the manufacturing of certain property protection and security features, such as anti-burglary screens. Although these screens are not designed to prevent entry into a property completely, the high strength and impact-resistant properties of polycarbonate sheets make them difficult to break through and can delay trespassers long enough for help to arrive. They can also be used for window glazes, window bars, and safety screens.

Protective Gear

Polycarbonate is used for safety equipment such as face shields, helmets, anti-riot shields, and many others. This protective gear can be used by law enforcement, as well as mechanical workers. The lightweight property of polycarbonate makes this equipment easy to wear or carry while its impact resistance and strength make it a good protective material from both force and certain chemical damage.

Protection Against Vandalism

Polycarbonate can be used to glaze surfaces that are prone to vandalism, such as schools, commercial buildings, bus stops, and even some residential areas. The anti-abrasive property of polycarbonate and its resistance to oils and grease makes it a good tool for protecting surfaces from vandalism and destruction.

Car and Transportation Safety

The lightweight property of polycarbonate makes it a favorite with car manufacturers to ensure optimum performance. However, polycarbonate offers a few other safety benefits for cars and transportation, such as clear, impact-resistant windshields that are easy to see through and make driving easy and also difficult to break into.

Means of transportation like cable cars or rail transport require the use of abrasion-resistant materials, and polycarbonate sheets can help reduce the need and cost of maintenance. Polycarbonate can also help with heat control within the vehicle with specific tint modifications added to its transmissive surfaces.

Bulletproof Windows

Polycarbonate is about 30 times stronger than acrylic and roughly 200 times stronger than glass, making it a good choice for protective surfaces. Layered polycarbonate sheets can be used for bulletproof windows that can absorb shot impact without shattering.

Polycarbonate vs. Glass: Which Is Better?

Here are some advantages of polycarbonate over glass:

Strength: Polycarbonate is stronger than glass and practically unbreakable, making it a preferred option for windows and windshields. Polycarbonate is also capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions.

Higher Resistance to Heat: Although glass has good heat resistance capacity, polycarbonate can withstand temperatures up to 470 degrees and even sudden heat bursts as high as 1,000 degrees without any damage or distortion to its structure.

Better Heat Insulation: The heat insulation capacity of polycarbonate exceeds that of glass. Polycarbonate is a better insulator and more energy efficient in that it can help maintain and regulate the temperature of a space and reduce energy consumption.

More Durable: Polycarbonate is stronger and more impact-resistant than glass and is able to withstand more damaging impact than glass. This makes it a more durable option for building projects.

Easier to Install and Use: Polycarbonate is light and easy to work with. It can easily be shaped and attached to the surfaces required, unlike glass. On some occasions, polycarbonate is used as a glaze for glass windows for extra strength and flair.

Canada Plastics & Belting Inc. offers an extensive range of polycarbonate sheets for greenhouses, roofing panels, and other building projects. Our products are fully customizable to suit your project needs and are available in different thicknesses, colour options, and textures. Contact us today to learn more.

Polycarbonate Sheet

Discover the Versatility of Polycarbonate Sheet: Applications and Benefits

polycarbonate sheetPolycarbonate sheet is a type of plastic that is known for its strength and durability. It is a thermoplastic material that is often used in a wide range of applications, including construction, automotive, and electronic industries. It is also used for roofing, glazing, and security applications.

One of the most popular uses of polycarbonate sheets is as a roofing material, particularly in the form of twin-wall polycarbonate Discover the Versatility of Polycarbonate Sheet: Applications and Benefits

panels. These panels are lightweight and UV resistant, making them an ideal choice for outdoor roofing applications. Twin-wall polycarbonate panels also provide excellent insulation properties and can be used in a variety of roofing designs.

Overall, polycarbonate sheet is a versatile and durable material that has many uses across various industries, including construction, automotive, and electronic industries. Its properties such as being UV resistant, lightweight, and easy to cut and shape make it a great choice for many projects.

The Advantages of Using Polycarbonate Sheets and Panels:

Polycarbonate sheets and panels offer a range of advantages that make them a popular choice for a wide range of applications. One of the main advantages of using polycarbonate sheets is their lightweight yet extremely durable nature. They are also UV resistant, which means they will not yellow or become brittle over time, making them ideal for outdoor applications.

Overall, polycarbonate sheets and panels offer a wide range of advantages, including being lightweight, durable, UV resistant, and easy to cut and shape. They also provide excellent insulation properties and are cost-effective, making them a great choice for a wide range of applications, including roofing, glazing, security, and construction.

Types of Polycarbonate Sheets and Panels and their Uses:

There are several types of polycarbonate sheets and panels available, each with its unique properties and uses.

  • Twin-wall polycarbonate panels are one of the most popular types of polycarbonate sheet. They are known for their excellent insulation properties, making them a great choice for use as a roofing material. They are also UV resistant, which means they will not yellow or become brittle over time, making them ideal for outdoor roofing applications. Twin-wall polycarbonate panels can be used in a variety of roofing designs and are easy to install.
  • Sunlite polycarbonate is a type of polycarbonate sheet that is known for its excellent light transmission properties. It is ideal for use in glazing applications, and electronic devices. It is often used in an electronic device housing and the production of electronic components.

Overall, different types of polycarbonate sheets and panels are available with their unique properties and use. Twin wall polycarbonate panels are great for use as a roofing material, solid polycarbonate sheet is often used for security and bullet-resistant applications, and Sunlite polycarbonate is ideal for use in glazing and electronic applications. Choosing the right type of polycarbonate sheet or panel for your specific application can be done by consulting with a reputable polycarbonate sheet distributor like Canada Plastics.

Why Choosing Canada Plastics as Your Polycarbonate Sheet Distributor is the Right Decision?

When it comes to choosing a polycarbonate distributor, it is important to consider the quality of their products and the level of customer service they provide. Canada Plastics, the best polycarbonate sheet distributor, is a reputable polycarbonate sheet distributor that offers high-quality products and excellent customer service. They have a wide range of polycarbonate sheets and panels available, including twin wall polycarbonate panels, solid polycarbonate sheets, and Sunlite polycarbonate, suitable for different types of applications.

One of the key advantages of choosing Canada Plastics, the best polycarbonate sheet distributor, as your polycarbonate sheet distributor is their vast knowledge and experience in the industry. They have a team of experts who can help you choose the right polycarbonate products for your specific application, whether you need twin wall polycarbonate panels for roofing or solid polycarbonate sheet for security purposes.

In addition, Canada Plastics, the best polycarbonate sheet distributor, is also known for providing excellent customer service. They are dedicated to ensuring that their customers are completely satisfied with their products and services. They are always ready to answer any questions and provide guidance throughout the process of purchasing polycarbonate sheets.

Furthermore, Canada Plastics, the best polycarbonate sheet distributor, also offers competitive pricing on their polycarbonate sheet and panels, making them a cost-effective choice for businesses and individuals looking for affordable solutions.

Choosing Canada Plastics as your polycarbonate sheet distributor is the right decision for many reasons. They offer high-quality products, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing. Their team of experts can help you choose the right polycarbonate products for your specific application, whether you need twin wall polycarbonate panels, solid polycarbonate sheet, or Sunlite polycarbonate.


1)      How do I clean Polycarbonate Sheets?

Cleaning polycarbonate sheets is relatively easy and can be done easily but it is important to note that some polycarbonate sheets have UV protective coating on them, so before cleaning it is important to check the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure that the cleaning solution and method used will not damage the protective coating. It is also important to avoid using harsh chemicals, such as solvents, acids, or alkalis, as these can damage the polycarbonate sheet. In addition, never use steel wool or abrasive scrubbers on polycarbonate as these can scratch the surface.

2)      Can Polycarbonate sheets be cut to size?

Yes, polycarbonate sheets can be cut to size. It is a versatile material that can be easily cut and shaped to suit a wide range of applications. There are a few different ways to cut polycarbonate sheets. Regardless of the method you choose, it is important to work slowly and carefully to minimize the chipping or cracking of the polycarbonate sheet. It is also recommended to use proper personal protection equipment (PPE) such as goggles and gloves while cutting polycarbonate sheets to avoid any injury.

3)      Where to find High-quality polycarbonate sheets in Toronto?

If you are looking for high-quality polycarbonate sheets in Toronto, Canada Plastics is a reputable and reliable distributor that offers a wide range of high-quality polycarbonate sheets and panels. They have a wide range of polycarbonate sheets and panels available, including twin wall polycarbonate panels, solid polycarbonate sheets, and Sunlite polycarbonate, suitable for different types of applications. Canada Plastics, the best polycarbonate sheet distributor,  is a reputable and reliable distributor of high-quality polycarbonate sheets and panels; they are based in Toronto and offer a wide range of polycarbonate products, expert guidance, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing, making them a great choice for your polycarbonate sheet needs in Toronto.


Polycarbonate sheet is a versatile and durable material that has many applications in various industries. It offers advantages such as UV resistance, is lightweight, and is easy to cut and shape nature. Different types of polycarbonate sheets such as twin-wall polycarbonate panels and Sunlite polycarbonate are used for different purposes. Choosing a reputable distributor like Canada Plastics, the best polycarbonate sheet distributor,  for your polycarbonate sheet needs is a smart decision, as they offer high-quality products and excellent customer service.

Polycarbonate Sheet

7 Commonly Asked Questions about Lexan Sheets

Plastic sheets are now used to replace glass in both residential and commercial projects. Lexan and acrylic are the most common plastic sheets on the market today. But why are Lexan sheets so popular? Here are answers to seven frequently asked questions about Lexan sheets.

1. What Are Lexan Sheets?

Lexan is a trademarked name for polycarbonate sheeting manufactured by General Electric. Lexan can be anything from 0.75 mm (0.03 inch) to 12 mm (0.47 inch) thick. General Electric introduced Lexan in 1960, but the material is now manufactured by SABIC in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

When it comes to polycarbonate sheeting, Lexan is among the most well-known names in the industry. It is six times lighter than glass and has a high impact resistance. Not only is it low in flammability and thermoformable, it is also flame retardant.

2. Is Lexan and Polycarbonate the Same Thing?

Lexan and acrylic are also brand names for polycarbonate. Lucite is another name for acrylic.

But are Lexan and acrylic the same? No, they are not. People, especially DIYers mix up the two plastic sheets since they have similar properties.


Both acrylic and polycarbonate are significantly more impact-resistant than glass, yet they are much stronger and weigh less. In addition, they are both easy to clean and have similar flexural strengths.

Acrylic and polycarbonate are both shatterproof, meaning that they break into a few bigger chunks unlike glass that is brittle and has no elasticity and can easily shatter into pieces. It is safe to say that both materials are much safer than glass.


While the two materials have some characteristics, there are also important distinctions. Their strengths and weaknesses also make them useful for different applications.

  • Impact resistance: Acrylic is ten times more resistant to impact than glass is. However, the impact resistance of polycarbonate is 250 times that of glass. In other words, polycarbonate is stronger, which is why it is often used as a weatherproof glazing material and bulletproof glass.
  • Cost: In comparison to acrylic, polycarbonate is more expensive. Acrylics, in contrast to polycarbonate, keep their high-quality appearance even after being heated and molded.
  • Durability: Given its superior durability to acrylic, polycarbonate is the best material for bulletproof windows and other highly demanding usage. While its gloss surface and increased transparency make acrylic the superior material for display cases, its susceptibility to cracking makes it less desirable than polycarbonate because polycarbonate is more prone to scratch than crack.

3. Is Lexan Sheet Hard to Cut?

Lexan is quite simple to cut. It can be cut with either a circular saw or a jigsaw. When cutting longer polycarbonate lengths, a circular saw is recommended.

Note: If using a jigsaw, hold the sheets firmly in place while sawing to ensure a clean cut. Placing glue clamps on the sheet can help keep it from sliding up and down while sawing.

Even a newbie DIYer can easily cut a Lexan sheet by following these simple steps:

  • Install a 1/16-inch laminate blade on a table saw. Raise the saw blade 1/2 inch above it
  • Measure and tape the sawblade’s path across the Lexan. This ensures the saw blade cuts the tape lengthwise.
  • Set the fence. The blade should cut down the tape line’s center. Tape prevents Lexan chips. If there are no tapes available, wearing safety goggle is recommended to prevent chips from entering the eyes.
  • Start the saw. Hold the sides of the Lexan and slide it slowly into the blade.
  • Push Lexan past the blade. If the Lexan starts to smoke, reduce the speed until it stops, and then continue to press until the Lexan clears the blade on the other side and take t ape.

4. How Do You Get Scratches Out of a Lexan Sheet?

When scratches are noticed on Lexan sheets, heat guns can be used to get rid of them. To remove scratches from a Lexan sheet, follow these instructions.

  • Clean the Lexan surface.
  • Apply heat to the scratched area using the heat gun at the recommended heat setting.
  • To ensure consistent heat, move the heat gun up and down the scratched area at a constant rate. Repeated action can cause melting, so make sure it isn’t done for too long and that the gun isn’t too hot.
  • Leave to cool and smoothen the uneven parts with sandpaper, then clean again.

5. Can You Bend the Lexan Sheet?

Polycarbonate is a strong plastic sheet that bends easily without breaking. It is much easier to bend than acrylic. Due to its elasticity, it may be bent hot or cold, though, cold bending is more common because it is way easier, especially for DIYers.

6. What Are the Benefits of Lexan Polycarbonate Sheets?

Lexan polycarbonate sheets have many benefits, from high impact resistance to resistance to cracks. The following are the advantages of using Lexan sheets for projects.

  • Impact resistance that is 250 times higher than that of glass
  • Resistant to cracks
  • Highly resistant to diluted acids, gasoline, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and alcohols
  • Can be cold-formed or bent
  • Can be cut easily with a saw
  • Provide 100% protection from harmful UV rays
  • More flexible than acrylic and is available in different grades
  • Highly transparent

7. What Are the Common Uses for Lexan Sheets?

Lexan is widely used in the following applications:

  • Window covers
  • Transparent visors for hockey and football helmets
  • Bullet resistant glass
  • LED light pipes and diffusers
  • Reusable drinking bottles
  • Phones and computers cases
  • Machine guarding glass
  • Greenhouses

Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Suppliers in Toronto

Wondering where to get Lexan sheets? Canada Plastics & Belting Inc. is one of the biggest Lexan sheet suppliers in Toronto. We have years of experience in providing different grades of Lexan sheets and other plastics at affordable prices. Contact us today or request a quote for Lexan sheets for roofing and other applications.

Polycarbonate Sheet

6 Major Signs That Indicate It Is Time to Replace Your Roof

Plexiglass Acrylic SheetsA beautiful and functioning deck or pergola provides an outside recreation center while also adding value to your property. A pergola is an excellent addition to any property. It provides shade and can be a lovely area to relax or entertain friends. Because these structures are exposed to the elements all year, it is critical to maintaining them to ensure they continue to look nice, are safe to use, and last for years to come.

Checking the roof for damage is one of the greatest ways to ensure your pergola is well-maintained. A good roof has numerous advantages, ranging from cost savings on maintenance to protection from the elements. It is a simple method to boost the value of your property or get more use out of your outside spaces. This is why it’s critical to keep a close check on your roof and inspect it on a regular basis for signs of breakdown. Here are six major signs that indicate that it is time to replace your roof.

Poor Energy Efficiency

There is much more to a roof than its exterior. Beyond the shingles and the underlying roofing material, there is an intricate system at work that should be constructed not just for safety and protection, but also for moisture resistance and energy savings.

If you discover that your energy costs are increasing, the first thing we recommend is that you inspect your roof. Heat gain can be caused by inadequate insulation. During the hot summers, the sun heats the roof, which absorbs some of the heat. Poor insulation may let heat gain into the house, especially if you have a covered deck. This makes your home’s air conditioning system work harder to keep you comfortable.

While the air conditioner works harder than necessary throughout the summer, it results in higher energy costs, especially during the hotter and colder seasons.

Age of the Roof

The age of your roof is another indicator that it needs to be replaced. Typically, roofs that are more than 20 years old must be replaced. The shelf life of various roof materials varies.

Asphalt shingles have a lifespan of roughly twenty years, although slate, copper, and concrete roofs can survive for more than fifty years. Wood shake roofs can also survive for roughly 30 years.

So, depending on the material of your roof and its shelf life, keep track of the last time it was replaced and replace it once the shelf life has passed.

Water Damage Causing Leaks

Damaged roofs, such as holes or rust, can all result in costly leaks in your pergola roof. Hence, you need to pay attention to these issues because once ignored, water damage can result in bigger damage by further deteriorating the roofing structure.

When your roof starts leaking, do well to replace it immediately with polycarbonate roofing panels from a reputable professional

Wind Damage

Roofs are extremely vulnerable to wind damage, owing to the fact that severe winds do not strike roofs equally. It, however, destroys the edges of the roof or parts of the roof that are already loose.

Because winds can rip loose shingles, initiating a chain reaction, these loose areas make it easy. Continuous wind damage can cause the roof to leak or rot due to water exposure. Hence, it is best to replace it.

Roof Is Rotting

The main cause of dry rot is moisture. When the roof is inadequately insulated and ventilated, it results in high humidity, and this exposes the roof’s wooden components to excessive moisture.

Rot occurs when wood-eating fungus consumes the fibers, causing the wood structure to dry and crumble.

Damaged or Cracked Shingles on the Roof

If you detect cracks in your pergola’s shingles, you should inspect it for damage. Cracks in the shingles can cause leaks and catastrophic damage, therefore they must be repaired as soon as they are discovered.

The best way to do this is to get a polycarbonate roof for a pergola and replace it as soon as possible.

Contact Canada Plastics and Belting Inc. for Polycarbonate Roofing Panels

Once you notice these signs on your porch, pergola, and deck’s roof, it is time for you to have it replaced with polycarbonate roofing panels because one of its benefits is that it is the best material when it comes to strength and this is perfect for pergola roofing.

Canada Plastics & Belting Inc. has all of your roofing needs, ranging from polycarbonate roofs for pergolas, polycarbonate roofing, deck and pergola covers, and polycarbonate roofing sheets. Contact us today to learn about our products or visit our showroom.

Polycarbonate Sheet

Why Use Twin-Wall Polycarbonate Sheets to Build Greenhouses?

polycarbonate sheet suppliersA greenhouse is a glass structure where you cultivate plants that require protection against the weather. Growing seasons can be prolonged and even improved with greenhouses since they act as a barrier between the environment and what you are growing. They offer protection from pests and extreme cold or heat.

The fact that a greenhouse may be used for a multitude of purposes is one of its best features. Fresh organic veggies, flowers, bulb plants, home plants, exotic plants, and various plants can all be grown in a greenhouse.

But what are greenhouses made of? Which type of sheet is the best for a greenhouse and why must you use twin-wall polycarbonate sheets to build greenhouses?

All these questions will be answered in this post. Read on!

Why Use Polycarbonate Twin-Wall Sheets?

There are several types of polycarbonate sheets: twin-wall, solid, corrugated, embossed, and mini-corrugated. A polycarbonate twin-wall sheet is, as the name suggests, made of a sheet of polycarbonate plastic material that is constructed using a twin-wall technique.

It consists of a support layer composed of plastic and two layers of plastic (polycarbonate) sheets that are joined together. The sheet can hold weight easily because of the added strength.

Benefits of Polycarbonate Twin-Wall Sheets

The material is also a good insulator due to the air spaces between the layers of polycarbonate. For the second layer of polycarbonate to affect the opposite side when there is too much heat on one side, it must first pass through the first layer of polycarbonate, the space between them, and then the second layer. This is one of the factors that contribute to its popularity for greenhouses and other similar projects where the need to trap heat is essential.

Polycarbonate sheets are one of the most adaptable materials available in the plastics sector. One of the greatest materials for greenhouses is polycarbonate because it is less expensive, more durable, and less prone to breaks or cracks compared to glass.

It is extremely durable and only absorbs a little amount of moisture, making it resistant to both impact and water damage. Additionally, it is chemical resistant and flame retardant. It is very flexible and 30 times stronger than acrylic and has 200 strengths when compared to glass. It doesn’t end there. Polycarbonate twin-wall sheets are also lighter and easier to shape than glass.

Another benefit of polycarbonate sheets is the material’s resilience to chemicals and scratches. The surface of polycarbonate is resistant to scratch, and since it doesn’t absorb moisture, it may be easily cleaned for use in food and medical applications. Its insulating properties are also excellent. It insulates better than glass, and this consequently helps reduce energy expenses.

One of the reasons to use twin-wall sheets for greenhouses is that it is transparent or clear, allowing light to travel through them without difficulty, making them perfect for any application where visibility or light transmission is needed. Though it is more transparent than fiberglass, it is not as clear as glass.

Twin-Wall vs. Multiwall: What’s the Difference?

Due to the fact that the twin-wall and multi-wall polycarbonate sheets share the same qualities, it might be tricky to tell them apart.

The number of plastic sheet layers that each of these two products are made of, however, is what distinguishes them most from one another. Multiwall polycarbonate sheets are made up of numerous layers of plastic sheets, as opposed to twin-wall polycarbonate, which is composed of two layers of plastic sheets joined with a support layer. This makes multiwall polycarbonate ideal for roofing, skylights, and other structures since it has better thermal insulation than twin-wall polycarbonate.

Contrarily, twin-wall polycarbonate is thin due to its two layers, making it ideal for greenhouses or sheds. It is also clearer, lighter, and more flexible, making it simple to install.

Additionally, because of its transparency, it has a great light transmission and excellent heat insulation, creating an environment that is ideal for plant growth.

How Strong Is Twin-Wall Polycarbonate Plastic?

The fact that twin-wall polycarbonate sheets have excellent strength is one of its main selling factors.

It is a product that is 200 times stronger than glass, 200 times lighter, and highly impact-resistant. Because of this, it is practically unbreakable and can withstand wind, hail, and other bad weather. This is why it is commonly used for greenhouses and roofing applications, especially in storm-prone areas or during severe weather conditions.

Can You Bend the Twin-Wall Polycarbonate Panel?

Yes, despite its strength, twin-wall polycarbonate may be bent or curved to fit the task at hand. However, be careful not to bend it across the width of the sheet. It can only be bent longitudinally.

Top Reasons to Use Twin-Wall Polycarbonate Sheets to Build Greenhouses

  • Lighter in weight than Glass. Twin-wall polycarbonate is used frequently to construct greenhouses, thanks to its moderate weight. It weighs twelve times less than glass.
  • Keeps Heat Trapped. Twin-wall polycarbonate also retains heat inside the greenhouse, giving the plants a warm habitat to survive in. Additionally, it allows the plants to survive by transferring sunlight into the inside space.
  • Unbreakable. Twin-wall polycarbonate is virtually unbreakable even in extremely bad weather conditions such as storms. This means it is durable and will last longer and save you the cost of replacement in the event of a crack or dent.
  • Water Resistant. Additionally, twin-wall polycarbonate provides excellent water resistance. As a result, condensation in the greenhouse will be avoided. Rest assured that your plants are protected from damage from water.
  • Weather Resistant. Since greenhouses are frequently exposed to the weather, you’ll want a weather-resistant material to avoid hardening or yellowing.

Contact Canada Plastics and Belting Inc. for Twin-Wall Polycarbonate Sheets

Twin-wall polycarbonate sheets are the best material to use when building a greenhouse. Canada Plastics & Belting Inc. is one of the leading polycarbonate sheet suppliers in Toronto and the GTA and can assist you with polycarbonate roofing panels for your next project. Please contact us if you have any questions on how to start your project and if you are interested in buying twin-wall polycarbonate sheets for your greenhouse project.

Polycarbonate Sheet

8 Common Reasons to Avoid Metal Roofing and Install Polycarbonate Roofing Panels

polycarbonate broonze roofThere are many different types of roofing materials on the market these days, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for your home. If you are considering metal roofing, you may want to think again!

Here are eight common reasons why people should avoid metal roofs and install polycarbonate roofing panels instead.

1. Lightweight

Polycarbonate roofing panels are lighter and easier to install than metal roofs. Metal roofing can be too heavy for the foundation of some buildings and could cause structural issues down the road. If adding a metal roof to an existing structure, you could be adding more weight than the existing foundation can handle and might see cracks appear over time. Polycarbonate roofing is considerably lighter and won’t create as much of a weight issue for your structure.

2. Durable

Polycarbonate is more durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions, including hail, heavy winds, and snow load as well as or even better than metal roofing panels can. With extreme temperature swings in Canada that include humidity, rainfall and snow, polycarbonate panels can withstand the rigors of the Canadian climate for a lot longer than metal roofing panels.

3. Heat-Resistant

Polycarbonate won’t conduct heat like metal roofs. This is extremely important for structures that are within range of human or animal contact. The surface of a metal roof can get extremely hot and could pose a danger for people or animals that come in contact with it. For sheds, gazebos, pergolas, pet dwellings, and other structures where a person or animal may contact a roofing panel, you should consider polycarbonate roofing panels over metal roofing panels.

4. Impact-Resistant

Hail stones, sleet, high winds and falling debris are just a few elements that can dent or crack a metal roof. However, polycarbonate roofing panels are resistant to most of the elements and won’t dent when impacted with debris. In fact, polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than steel with the ability to withstand 900 psi of pressure.

5. Cost-Effective

Polycarbonate is a more cost-effective option, as it requires less maintenance and has a longer lifespan than metal roofing. Polycarbonate is also easier and lighter to transport, allowing for a lesser impact on the environment when it comes to transporting.

6. Fade-Resistant

Polycarbonate panels don’t chalk and fade like metal roofing panels. Metal roofing panels will fade with time due to exposure to UV rays, temperature fluctuations, moisture and other factors. There’s also the issue of chalking. Chalking is the white residue that occurs when resins in the paint or coating of a metal roof begin to break down. They turn white and have a chalky residue. Both fading and chalking don’t occur with polycarbonate roofing panels.

7. Rust-Resistant

Polycarbonate roofing panels do not rust or corrode like metal roofing can. This is extremely important as rust will corrode metal and a negatively impact the overall strength of the roof. Polycarbonate roofing panels do not rust and therefore can maintain their structural integrity for a lot longer than metal roofing panels.

8. Quiet

Polycarbonate panels do not produce noise, unlike metal roofs which can be noisy during a rainstorm or high winds. You know the sound metal can produce when hit with something as light as a raindrop? Now imagine a steady downpour and the noise can be a distracting nuisance. With polycarbonate roofing panels, the sound is dampened so even during a heavy thunderstorm, you can expect a quieter outcome. This is especially important if the roof is for a gazebo or pergola that is expected to shelter people from the rain in a social setting as it will not negatively affect the setting like a metal roof will.

It’s important to take each of these factors into consideration when building a structure that will require a roof that will protect it and it’s occupants from the elements, while maintaining structural integrity, easy maintenance and attractive aesthetics. Polycarbonate roofing panels outperform metal roofing panels in all of these categories.

Are You Looking for a Polycarbonate Sheet Supplier in Toronto?

Canada Plastics & Belting Inc. is one of the leading polycarbonate sheet suppliers in Toronto and the GTA and can assist you with polycarbonate roofing panels for your next project. We are proud to offer a wide selection of polycarbonate sheets in multiple colours, sizes, and thickness options. Contact us today or call us at 416-291-3036 for a free quote.

Polycarbonate Sheet

Polycarbonate Sheets: The Best Roofing Solution for Your Pergola

Polycarbonate Sheet SuppliersA pergola is an outdoor garden feature that forms a shaded walkway, passageway, or sitting area. It is designed with vertical posts or pillars that usually support crossbeams and a sturdy open lattice, often upon which woody vines are trained.

Traditionally, pergolas were constructed using wood, but wood is not the only material used to construct a pergola. Other roofing materials such as metal, glass, asphalt, and acrylic sheets have also become popular choices, especially for those looking for a pergola that will require little to no maintenance. One roofing material that is rapidly gaining popularity for pergolas is polycarbonate roof panels.

In this blog post, let’s understand more about polycarbonate sheets and their use as a roofing solution for your pergola.

What Is a Polycarbonate Sheet?

A polycarbonate sheet is a thermoplastic material that is durable and lightweight. It is often used in construction and architectural applications because it is easy to work with and provides a high level of transparency. Polycarbonate sheets can be used for roofing pergolas to create a stylish and modern outdoor living space.

Benefits of Using Polycarbonate Sheets for Roofing Pergolas

There are many benefits of using polycarbonate sheets for roofing pergolas.

  • Strong and Durable: Polycarbonate sheets are very strong and can withstand high impact, making them an ideal material for roofing applications.
  • Lightweight: Polycarbonate sheets are much lighter than glass, meaning they are easier to work with and install.
  • Transparent: Polycarbonate sheets are highly transparent and allow natural light to enter the pergola, creating a bright and airy space.
  • Impact Resistant: Polycarbonate sheets are an ideal choice for areas with a risk of falling debris because they are impact resistant.
  • Easy to Install: Polycarbonate sheets are easy to install, saving time and money on installation costs.
  • Easy to Work with: Thanks to its heat-bending properties, polycarbonate sheets are easy to work with and can be cut, drilled, and shaped to fit your specific project needs. They can also be formed into almost any shape while maintaining structural integrity.
  • Affordable and Easily Available: Polycarbonate sheets are affordable and can be found at most home improvement stores.

How Do Polycarbonate Sheets Compare to other Roofing Solutions for Pergolas?

When it comes to pergolas, there are a lot of roofing material options to choose from like glass, acrylic sheets, metal, polycarbonate sheets, and asphalt shingles. We’ll go over the pros and cons of each material so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your pergola.

Polycarbonate Sheets

Polycarbonate sheets are a popular choice for pergola roofing because they are lightweight and durable. Polycarbonate sheeting is very strong and almost unbreakable, making it an ideal solution over glass or acrylic sheets for areas prone to hailstones, flying debris, or where children are present.

They are also UV-resistant, which makes them a good choice for areas that get a lot of sun exposure. However, polycarbonate sheets can be more expensive than other roofing materials and they can become yellow and brittle over time when exposed to UV light.


Glass is another popular choice for pergola roofing because it allows natural light to filter through and it provides good protection from the elements. However, glass is also more expensive than other roofing materials and it can be difficult to clean.

In addition, glass is not as durable as polycarbonate sheets or metal and can break if hail or heavy winds hit it. Glass breakage can cause accidents and hurt people underneath the pergola.

Acrylic Sheets

Acrylic sheets are less expensive than glass but allow natural light to filter through. They are also UV-resistant, and they provide good protection from the elements.

Acrylic sheets, however, can become yellow and brittle when exposed to UV light. In addition, acrylic sheets are not as durable as polycarbonate sheets or metal and can break if hail or heavy winds hit them.


Metal is a good choice for pergola roofing because it is durable and protects from the elements. It is also easy to clean. However, metal can be more expensive than other roofing materials and does not allow natural light to filter through.

In addition, metal can get very hot in direct sunlight, so you may need to use a shade cloth to make your pergola more comfortable during hot summer days.

Asphalt Shingles

Lastly, asphalt shingles are the most common pergola roofing material because they are inexpensive and easy to install. However, asphalt shingles do not last as long as polycarbonate sheets or metal and do not provide as much protection from the elements.

In addition, asphalt shingles are not as attractive as other pergola roofing materials and do not allow natural light to filter through.

How to Choose the Right Polycarbonate Sheet Thickness for Your Pergola Roof

When choosing the right thickness for a polycarbonate roof for a pergola, there are a few factors to consider.

  • The first is the size of the pergola. A larger pergola will require a thicker sheet to provide adequate coverage and support. It’s advisable to pick a polycarbonate sheet thickness of more than 5 mm. For a smaller pergola roof, a polycarbonate sheet thickness of 4-5 mm will suffice too.
  • The second factor is the climate. In regions with high winds or heavy snowfall, a thicker sheet will be necessary to prevent damage. In this case, it is advisable to pick a polycarbonate sheet thickness of more than 5 mm.
  • Finally, consider the amount of sunlight that will reach the pergola. A darker tinted sheet will help to reduce glare and heat build-up.

How to Install Polycarbonate Sheets on a Pergola Roof

Polycarbonate sheets are a great way to add some protection from the elements to your pergola without sacrificing too much in the way of sunlight or airflow. Let’s look at the basics of installing polycarbonate sheeting on a pergola roof.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you get started, you’ll need to gather the following tools and materials:

  • Polycarbonate sheets
  • Drill
  • Jigsaw
  • Tape measure
  • Spirit level
  • Screws and washers
  • Furring strips (optional)
  • Sealant (optional)

Pergola Roof Installation Instructions

1. Measure the roof area you want to cover with your polycarbonate sheets and cut them to size using a jigsaw.
2. If your pergola has existing gutters, you’ll need to remove them before continuing.
3. Install furring strips around the perimeter of your pergola, making sure that they’re level. This will provide a surface for your screw heads to sit below the level of the sheets.
4. Begin at one end of your pergola and attach your first polycarbonate sheet using screws and washers. Make sure you predrill the holes for the screws, as polycarbonate can crack if you try to screw directly into it.
5. Repeat step 4 until all of your sheets are in place.
6. You may want to apply sealant around the edges of your sheets to help keep moisture out.

Contact Canada Plastics & Belting – Polycarbonate Sheet Suppliers in Toronto

Polycarbonate sheets meet all of the requirements of good roofing material. If you’re searching for an attractive, long-lasting, and lightweight material for roofing your pergola, contact Canada Plastics & Belting Inc.

We are proud to offer a wide selection of polycarbonate sheets in multiple colors, sizes, and thickness options.

We’re a leading stockist and supplier of acrylic sheets, plexiglass sheets, polycarbonate solid sheets, polycarbonate corrugated twin wall sheets, polycarbonate roofing panels, and more. Contact us today for all your polycarbonate sheet needs or call us at 416-291-3036 for a free quote.